Thursday, January 8, 2009

Job Interview Tips.

I'm thankful to the wonders of modern technology especially the internet. How almost every information is available at the tip of our fingertips lessening worries for people like me.
I am also thankful to my friend, Anonymili, for e-mailing me articles about job interviews which she wrote.

I hope posting some of the good reads I have found online will also be of help to others with interview jitters.

1. Most Difficult Questions in an Interview - how and what to answer on the question: What is/are your weaknesses?
Whatever weakness you disclose try and ensure you have something ready to say how you're trying to improve on the weakness. This shows you are aware of your weaknesses, are mature enough to admit to them and are willing and able to further develop your skills to ensure those weaknesses are no longer weaknesses."

2. How To Beat The Job-Hunting Blues - how and what to prepare while job hunting.
"You can't honestly sit and apply for jobs all day every day whilst you are looking for a job. You need to relax as well and if you are out of work and actively looking for work, it is impossible to dedicate all of your waking hours to job searching. This can be very demoralising and I always recommend that it's quality that counts when making applications not quantity."

3. How To Prepare For A Job Interview - self-explanatory.
"What do you do? Carry on working/studying/watching TV till your interview next week and wing it? God NO! Make sure you do some preparation before you turn up there all ready to show them your sparkling eyes and wonderful personality. These features/characteristics alone will not win you the job."

4. Ten Biggest Interview Killers - what to avoid during interviews.
"When you're on a romantic dinner date, you try to avoid "mood killers" -- talking with a mouth full of food, cursing an ex-lover, or complaining about a foot ailment. During a job interview, you have to avoid similar spoilers if you want to make a good impression."

5. Six Common Job Interviews - self-explanatory.
"One of the easiest ways to build confidence before a job interview is to prepare answers to questions you might be asked. Whether you're applying for a position as a web programmer, accountant, or legal secretary, interviewers often use some general questions to assess candidates, so you'll increase your chances for success if you prepare for them in advance."

Now that we have settled most of the worries and jitters on the interview, from the job hunting preparation to the job interview itself and questions to prepare for, all that's left to do is pray for God's guidance, try to relax and clear our mind of other things, and think positive! we wouldn't want negative vibrations surrounding us on our big day, right?

Anonymili (via Helium) for the first 3 tips.
Yahoo! for the last 2 tips.

3 comments on "Job Interview Tips."

Marianne on January 8, 2009 at 8:37 PM said...

Nice blog! I am job hunting right now too. It is tough sometimes. The trick is to just hang in there and get some interviews.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mara! Nice tips you got here. I'm also on a job hunting right now and I hope to get one soon.

Anonymous said...


I am giving your blog this Butterfly Award please click the link



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