Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Rainy Wednesday!

My day started pretty much good today. A little too good actually. I mentioned a guy on my post yesterday, so okay he called and woke me at about 7:15 AM. He was about to hung up when I said it's okay. We talked for about 25 minutes. Good talk. After that, I had breakfast then headed back to my room YM'd a couple of friends, texted my Mom who's in LA right now and went back to sleep. Just when I was about to go into deep sleep rain started pouring. HARD. It lasted for almost 6 hours. Yep, it stopped now. I won't say totally cos it's still cloudy out but I do hope that it won't rain until I get out of the house for my Wednesday Night Out.

I promised a friend of mine who's promoting this event every Wednesday that I'll come 3 Wednesdays ago, this is way overdue so now I'm going come what may. Besides, that good thing that woke me up today turned a bit annoying and I need to have fun and forget about it for a while. I was straight earlier this morning that since my day started good, it should end better and now not necessarily because of the same reason! I am so pissed I texted him some things like he won't hear from me again, la la la la. Whatever. Oh happy day!

1 comments on "Rainy Wednesday!"

Maria@Conversations with Moms on April 23, 2009 at 1:05 AM said...

Men can be annoying, period. Hope your day ends extremely well for you.


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