Saturday, March 01, 2025

Friday, September 11, 2009

My Game Plan.

You friends know that I am sort of in a financial "crisis" right now and I am so upset, worried and frustrated about it. I have a lot of things going on right now even when in actuality, I am unemployed and mostly just at home. I feel exhausted thinking about ways to solve my problem without asking my Mom who is a thousand miles away and make her worry too. I want to spare her my problem because I know she has a lot of worries too (she pays for ALL the bills and other expenses here at home). The only help that I could give her right now is to NOT add up to her problems.

During my being on "house arrest" for about 2 weeks now, I came up with a game plan. No more worrying too much. No more thinking about the problems too much. No more too much wallowing in self pity. No more too much. I would focus MORE on the things that I can control.

I have got to do something more productive while waiting for things to turn around for me.
  • Arrange my pre-employment requirements (SSS, NBI clearance, TIN #, etc.). I think it's only proper that I have them already since I graduated more than a year ago.
  • Get an EON card at Union Bank for my PayPal transactions.
  • "Improve" my online opportunities.
  • Continue to apply for a job.
  • Take things easy. Although my friends can't expect me to be as happy, spontaneous and as available as before. It's still hard not to worry about this kind of thing.
Hmm. I hope this is effective. It's the end of another week and I can start feeling better NOW. I will try my hardest.

To LEVY: No, it's not about credit card but it IS about a debt that I have.

For those willing to lend me whatever amount you can leave me a comment here.

Also, follow me on Twitter too. :)

Much thanks!

2 comments on "My Game Plan."

Maria@Conversations with Moms on September 12, 2009 at 9:46 PM said...

Creating plans and putting them into constant action is the best thing to do right now. I'm sure if you continue to do these actions, great things will come to you.

Vera on September 13, 2009 at 2:52 AM said...

I am glad to see that you have a plan, that is very important. It's also a good idea to have your pre employment stuff sorted out so you can be ready when the job comes eventually comes along.

Good luck sweetie! Get out there and get yourself be seen by the company you wish to be part of :)


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