Sunday, November 22, 2009

Good Times with Mo: The Blog.

I have a new guilty pleasure. Aside from all the teen-crazed series, movies, music, and social networking I have found myself another addition to my very long list of "pleasures" and that would be a new favorite blog on the web:

this is the Good Times with Mo: The Blog where I think the most humorous, frank, crazy, sarcastic and funny opinions of the country's most popular and "controversial" DJ can be found. I write this post with a whole lot of love for the DJ that I have been listening to since I was in grade 5. No, I'm not in grade 6. I have been listening to him and Miles when they were still doing the Top 5 countdown every 5 in the afternoon and until now that he's in a much earlier time slot with Good Times.

There are a lot of people who don't really get him, not like I'm saying that I do, but I think he's a pretty cool guy. Honest and very very opinionated. ;) Try visiting his blog for a sneak peek. Never fails to put a smile on my face no matter how crazy his topics sometimes are.

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