Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Friday Night Out.

Hi guys! Sorry I haven't been around here much. I'm giving more attention to my new blog since I still have a few regulars there compared to the number of readers and visitors that I get here in my personal blog. So in case some of you has not been to my new blog please drop by by clicking on my badge on the upper right side of my sidebar. I would appreciate it a lot if you could leave comments too. That blog of mine is still a baby and needs support. :)

Anyways, I'm back here for my promise: my friday night out photos. My friends uploaded them already and remember when I said I don't remember everything and I only got memories of small things? Well, when I saw the photos I realized I only remember teeny-weeny details, not small, just teeny-weeny.

I may appear normal, but believe me I had no recollection of majority of the photos uploaded. And so to protect the image of yours truly, I am only posting normal looking photos of me. LOL. Nobody would want to see me face down on the floor, sitting outside on the rain, sleeping on the table, etc. etc.
I still cannot believe I had that much fun with only a hundred pesos ($2) on me.

Me with my friend Mitch (who is also the older brother of my friend and also one of the owners of the place) and their friend Kirk.

Me with Anna.

Me with our friend, Bert (who is also a part owner) and Bettina.

Me. I swear I cannot remember this photo being taken.

Incomplete group photo. I wonder where the others were.

The other photos were just crazy silly ones, and stolen shots too. Out of the hundred photos I have, only these are "presentable" enough to post here in my blog. Hahaha!

Fun night, fun night except for the day after and the bruise that I got.

I wonder how this Friday would be... hmm.

3 comments on "Friday Night Out."

Sandi on August 26, 2009 at 4:06 AM said...

my sister just had one of those nights...unfortunately she gets mean when she is at that point. lol I try to stop her from getting too wild. I haven't been that way in awhile...but oh do I know how it is. ;)

Christa Bledsoe on August 26, 2009 at 2:51 PM said...

I'm so happy for you, it looks like you had a great Friday night out :)

Maria@Conversations with Moms on August 27, 2009 at 7:07 AM said...

I remember those great night outs where you only recall a few details. It looks like you had a great time.


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