I promised days ago that I will be back and will do some catching up on you guys. Sorry again if it took me this long to keep that promise. I just have a lot on my mind that I can't keep my focus straight. I've been thinking about getting a job (still!), I'm getting "addicted" to Facebook (playing Word Challenge and Poker), jogging and brisk walking but my mind's mainly occupied with the first one though. I feel like I'm just waking up just for the sake of waking up. I feel so lost!
Anyway, as promised here are some of the things that I've missed posting the last couple of weeks:

Another award for me! Here's the Triple Award that Mye of Blog Appetite gave me last January. I'm so so so sorry I only got to post it here just now. And thank you for giving me my blog its second award!! I feel like I'm doing a not-so-bad-job with my blog. Thank you!
I'm supposed to nominate and link up 10 people for this but my mind's not fully functional as of the moment so I'll add that up to my things to-do list, yet again.

And so to follow the rules of this award, I will be posting 10 honest things about myself and I hope I won't bore you with it. :)
Ten Honest Things About ME:
1. I am scared of crawling insects and most reptiles. Roaches, spiders, snakes, alligators, they scare me to death I couldn't even look at them even if they're just in the movies.
2. My favorite things to do are: reading, watching TV and movies, listening to music, daydreaming, planning things and lately, JOGGING.
3. I get what I want. It might take some time but I have always gotten things that I wanted.
4. I am a firm believer of Karma. What goes around comes around. You get what you give. Do unto others what you want others to do unto you.
5. I listen to almost all genres of music except Filipino rap, novelty, rock, alternative, and so on. So that's like saying I hardly listen to any Filipino songs except for old school Eraserheads, Rivermaya, Parokya ni Edgar and old Filipino love songs.
6. I am friendly, sweet, thoughtful, shy, sensitive, hard headed, emotional, realistic, mean, crazy, touchy, loud, frank, sensitive.
7. I have been single for almost 3 years now and I am on a love/hate relationship being that way. There are days I am missing having someone to talk to, cuddle with and share the feeling with and some days I'm just glad I'm single. Most of the time though, missing wins.
8. I love taking pictures. I'm no professional but I love taking pictures of almost anything and anyone. I love keeping memories.
9. I am confident but when it comes to job interviews, I feel like passing out.
10. I am still in search of a job. Somewhere near my place, pays good and I would enjoy doing.
Rules of this award:
1. List 10 honest things about yourself - and make it interesting even if you have to dig deep!
2. Pass the award on to 7 bloggers that you feel embody the spirit of the Honest Scrap.
I could only think of 1 person to pass this award on to. Well, I have a lot on my mind but most of them already got this award. This one person I'm talking about is a friend I met online. I really think he should get this award though I'm not sure if he'll even post this. But still. Ian, this one's for you. :)
3. Ara! I'm sorry I haven't replied to your message (or comments) regarding the Copy Editor job. I would love to apply within this month if I still haven't heard from the companies that I've applied for last month. Promise! I'm just waiting for some of the calls since I have already been interviewed. You know, baka biglang tumawag eh one of the calls I'm waiting for is from my Dubai application. :) I will let you know soon.
There. That's 3 things down on my "catching up". I still have some photos and notes to share and my mind's just rumbling. Urgh! When will this pass!?
I will be back again, soon!
I hope to hear from all of you!!
4 comments on "This is me catching up!"
Nagulat naman ako at may special mention ako. Harhar. Anyway, just let me know if you want the copy editor's job. But i'm hoping pa rin na you'll get the job in Dubai.
take care!
Being alone really sucks. Thank you for the nomination of the reward and I will get around to doing it, but I am usually too busy with other stuff to write, but I do like to write in it. Mine is a little sloppy right now, but I'll be cleaning it up soon.but I don't even know 7 people who have blogs. I only have 5 followers and one or two of them don't even use their blogs; they just did it because they are my good friends. Maybe I'll go on a blog hunt for good writers. I can't nominate you of course because you already won. Oh yeah, I have a surprise for you! I have a completed layout for your blog and even I am impressed with my own work. The messed up thing is that I was trying to use a practise profile of mine to test your layout, but blogger is screwing up for me and not letting me save anything. I keep asking at the forum, but no one is helping me and you can't contact Blogger through email or anything. Here is the header I have made for you: Mara's Header! I hope you love it. I have more graphics in a PSD and it is all ready to be coded in, but I can't test it here so with mine so I need you to let me know when you have sometime to test it on yours, if it will work for you that is.
oh I never liked Filipino rap song..
OK. How is this color: New Header
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