Friday, February 27, 2009


I have been feeling depressed a lot lately which is not a really good thing to happen and to add up to that depression is getting an e-mail from Entrecard warning me to remove my full page pop-up ad on my blog or my account will be terminated! REMOVE A POP-UP AD THAT I DON'T FREAKIN' HAVE! Do I have one on my page? Seriously!? Seriously?!? What is wrong!??! And then second is seeing my PR 1 go back down to a freakin' 0!! First it was the less visitors, then the few messages, then the disappearances of followers and now my PR. How great is this, huh?

I have replied to Entrecard's e-mail and I got an automated reply with a ticket number and blah and then I checked on my account page and got pissed with how complicated it is to get help from them directly! If you don't see me dropping or my EC widget's gone then it means they have terminated my account. They gave me 72 hours to remove something I don't have in my page! 

About my PR....forget it! I have no idea how it happened. It just did. Thanks!

Enough ranting for me for tonight. I'm doing a "research" on something and don't worry I'm going to share it to everyone as soon as I'm done with my reading. I swear, I need to vent this out so I'll just finish up on my research and reading for a few days and you'll find out what it is. Something real personal.

5 comments on "NOW WHAT?"

pehpot on February 27, 2009 at 11:09 AM said...

advisory lang sis:

They just made an upgrade on Blogger Following, Google Friends Connect are now being integrated to it. I have been using both features. To prevent any public humiliation on the users, Google set the settings of Blogger following to private. If you have noticed that I am not following you, I already fixed the followers issue.

I hope that it will not affect our blogging relationship.
Have a nice day!

Make or Break

Bill on February 27, 2009 at 12:52 PM said...

Wow Mara another one of my friends said she had a pop up page on here site also. I think hackers are getting into the systems so we have to be very careful about what we do. I know what you mean about the PR. Mine used to be a 2 and now it is a 1. I was told i have to many paid posts so i had to slow down on them. I hope you have a excellent weekend dear friend. Go out and have a little fun to clear the head.

Anonymous said...

what pop-up page? hmm... that's really annoying. it's cool that ate peh already told you about the "following issue thing". ^^

don't worry about the drops, dear. you have a life to live too.

Anonymous said...

Oh....that's quite sad but I hope you'll get over it. Don't get depressed over stuff that are not really as important as life itself. I know by the looks of it, that you're passionate about ur blog but it's not the end of your blog. My PR dropped from 3 to 0 but that was okay. You know why? I could get it back again. Don't worry , there is an unlimited time to get i tback or even go higher than 1

Anonymous said...

Mara, I think your blog is really opening into a pop-up ad. It happened just now. Yesterday when I commented on ur blog, there was nothing. This pop-up ad may pop up not everytime it opens but in certain times. I think you sign up for an advertising program for your blog that allows them to have pop-ups. Did you sign up for AdBrite? AdBrite usually have this.


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