Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A handful of medicines!

As what I've posted yesterday, I went to the doctor for a check-up and since I'm seriously down with the weather these past couple of weeks, my doctor--Dra. Garcia prescribed 5 medicines for me to take every day for 2 weeks or so.

Since I'm still jobless and the finances here at home are  divided between me and my mom and I'm only getting my allowance from my Kuya (my older brother), I asked him to give me some moolah for me to buy my medicines. He said he couldn't give me anything until payday and because I terribly need to take my "drugs", I borrowed money from my mom and she bought me the meds a while ago.

above left-right: my Medical City cup with Fluimucil, my Flixotide nasal spray and my prescription.
lower left-right: Nastravox, Claricort, Prednisone and Fluimucil.

That's not even ALL of it. I mean, I'm supposed to have 21 Fluimucil, 2 Flixotide, 21 Nastravox, 28 Prednisone and 21 Claricort. I'm gonna buy 'em all when my Kuya gives me the money for it. This "incomplete" batch costs more than 2k already. Wow. I hate getting this sick.

I have another doctor's appointment next week for my Flu and Pneumonia vaccine shots.
I hate injections! My brother joked that the stretcher, ammonia and oxygen should be prepped already. Funny.

Wish me luck!

1 comments on "A handful of medicines!"

Anonymous said...

geez! I hate being sick too. I don't have the patience to drink my meds.. Been in the hospital last July, confined for 3 long days. I really hate it! lol


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