It's been almost a week since I've last posted something here and I am soooo sorry. My mind's not been handling 2 paid to posts well that's why my blog has to suffer. I won't let that happen again. I'm going to balance things from now on.
And to start my new blogging life, I am going to share what one need to survive being a bum / unemployed person / newly graduate from college based on my own experience.
Survival Tips (or whatever you want to call yours) for the Jobless (as of the moment):
1. Make sure you have stocked up your favorite movies and TV series in your room. Trust me, you wouldn't be going out in a while.
Here are some of the TV series I've finished in a span of 6 months:
- House Seasons 1-4
- Grey's Anatomy
- One Tree Hill
- CSI: Miami
- Desperate Housewives
- Chuck
- Heroes
- Prison Break
- Gossip Girl
and I'm currently starting to watch 24.
2. DSL connection is a must if you don't want to die of boredom, literally. Facebook and Multiply help a lot.
3. Your parents may or may not give you allowance already, making your budget kind of tight, you could try joining paid to post communities like what I did. The money may not be as good as a monthly salary but it's good enough for just staying online and posting ideas and reviews. PM me if interested.
4. Please, go out at least once a week. Call a friend or all your friends and grab a drink or two or watch movies or just hang out somewhere else. You'll get tired of seeing the four corners of your house and your own room if you stay in there for a week straight.
5. When you're at home (which is most likely to happen), move around. Don't just sit or lie around watching the WHOLE DAY. Not cool. You will feel more lazy than you feel you already are. Reach for the remote yourself, get a glass of water yourself, clean your own room, just move. If you can, walk or jog around your village/subdivision, exercise.
6. ENJOY the time you have for yourself cos you won't be able to do so when you get a job. I believe in that one. Have fun, rest, meditate, whatever you like do it already cos when work starts, you'll have less time for leisure and total peace of mind.
Well at least that what I do for survival but most of the time I focus on number 3. It's so much fun posting your reviews and seeing your earnings go up every day. I'm saving it up for my Christmas gift for myself.
By the way, I got this idea from a friend, Carlota. :)
I hope this list helped in any way. This is also a part of my survival. Blabbing, I mean, Blogging. Hahaha!
Lemme know whatya think?