Monday, April 12, 2010

Movie Review: The Stepfather (2009) & Sorority Row (2009)

I spent my Friday and Saturday at home, relaxing and trying to unwind and free my mind of my current "worries". After finishing my work and watching my late night soap, I watched The Stepfather (2009) and Sorority Row (2009) the night after.Both movies are remakes which the originals I haven't seen so I cannot compare which ones are better however, I can compare these two remakes to a lot of other horror/thriller/suspense movies that I have seen and I'm pretty much sure you have also seen.

The Stepfather is a 1987 remake which reminds me of several suspense movies I have watched on cable and those straight-to-DVDs that were not worth watching in the cinemas. It was fortunate I didn't expect anything great about this movie, at least I didn't get disappointed. There is nothing and I say nothing great about this movie, was this shown in the theaters? It was too boring, too predictable, too much waste of a time.

It's so dull that even if I tell you the whole story, I won't be giving away any spoilers. Yes, it is that predictable.

Sorority Row is a 1983 remake which is a lot similar to the movies I Know What You Did Last Summer, Black Christmas, Scream, well you know... those kind of movies. It's about an accidental murder cover-up and how after several months the 5 sorority girls involved and those who knew about the secret get killed one by one.

I read mostly good reviews for this movie (on IMDB) but in my opinion, it's just too typical, too predictable and has got nothing new to offer. I am a fan or suspense/thriller movies. I enjoy guessing who the killer is, I find it entertaining when a shocking twist happens in the middle or near the end of the movie, and I get frustrated (and happy) when my guess is incorrect. Sorority Row is predictable in a way that I already had an idea who the killer was (and I was right) even before the middle of the movie but I'll give it to them that they made me scream a couple of times, made me jumpy and kept me uncertain about my guess (which I didn't change) who the killer is.

Overall rating: 4 out of 10 stars.
Watch only if you are bored. Do not set any day to watch these movies. Just go "Oh, I have nothing to do at home. I've done my laundry, cooked meals, cleaned the entire house and now want to sleep so I'll watch The Stepfather or Sorority Row."

3 comments on "Movie Review: The Stepfather (2009) & Sorority Row (2009)"

Bill on April 13, 2010 at 10:52 AM said...

Was these movies any good Mara? Have a great week my friend.

HeartyBux on April 13, 2010 at 9:26 PM said...

I thought Sorority was good because of the trailer but I was wrong. The ending sucks and the beggining of the movie is quite boring. =|

impotenta on April 26, 2010 at 8:57 AM said...

Thank you for these information.The best job you did here :)


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