Sunday, January 10, 2010

Wanted: Katrina Grace Lozano

Dinner at Dencio's Metrowalk
L-R: Ferron, Mimo, JM, Me, Zano, Abs and Apol

Our last (and first for 2010) dinner with our LA-based friend, Zano (in white). Can't wait for her holiday this year! :) Too bad we weren't able to push through with our Tagaytay plan and all other plans for her 2009 vacation. Hopefully, 2010 will be a much fun one for all of us. We miss you Zanotot! We didn't get to see each other before your flight back there and you didn't say bye to Apol. Haha! Don't forget Mommy's "package". Love u!! Thanks for all the meal treat! Btw, I will post pics of my shoes soon!

I hope Jesa gets to read this, hello, we miss you too!!!

2 comments on "Wanted: Katrina Grace Lozano"

moonstar on January 10, 2010 at 9:13 PM said...

ec dropping here.

Maria @ Conversations with Moms on January 10, 2010 at 10:13 PM said...

It looks like you had a great time. Have a safe flight back Zano.


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